OmniSMS Management System

Any device, anywhere.

OmniSMS Benefits
Smart design in a web-based Safety Management System means your job just got a little easier…
SMS is a data-driven approach to safety management. A paper-based system won’t work; Excel spreadsheets have limited capabilities; desktop database solutions are not well suited to an aviation environment; nor is a pre-defined web application with limited configuration and customization capabilities. None of these SMS tools will adequately address your company’s unique size, structure, types of operations, and data needs.
But a web-based mobile-friendly system with structured data – and fully configurable taxonomies – is a different story. It’s smart design. Within OmniSMS, the simple task of system configuration serves several purposes:
- Engages stakeholders from all functional areas / departments
- Creates an initial system description
- Supports initial system analysis and hazard identification
- Defines mandatory occurrence reports and voluntary occurrence reports
- Establishes a baseline of current barriers and risk controls
- Aligns the system with virtually every aspect of your operations, in all departments
And so your SMS really does become your own, with internally configured taxonomies of hazards, threats, occurrences, reporting requirements, barriers/controls, activities/missions, functional areas/processes, etc. Compliance with SMS requirements is met; effective data collection, trending and reporting is provided; buy-in is obtained from management and staff; and thousands of hours of work is saved. It’s like selecting the right aircraft based on specs and performance criteria, and then modifying, configuring, and equipping it as necessary to meet specific mission requirements.
Designed to be Efficient & Cost-Effective
Our years of research, development (and mistakes), have produced one of the best aviation management systems in the industry. Event Risk Classification (ERC) makes processing safety reports fast and easy, with improved accuracy of risk assessments. Easily manage tasks and disseminate information from your OmniSMS application, including safety communications and lessons learned. Online reports of hazards and quality or safety concerns populate OmniSMS and auto-alert the right managers via email. If your iPhone or other PDA receives the message, link back to the database with the touch of a button, review the report and request an investigation or other task in seconds. Track and manage all safety-risk and quality management activities within OmniSMS from anywhere in the world. Train all personnel easily and affordably with built-in, single-sign-on SMS eLearning courses.
OmniSMS. It’s the last safety and quality management system you’ll ever need.
Call +1 509.838.8121 today.